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Abstract vs Interface

In this article we are going to discuss difference between Abstract and Interface in C#. There are many blogs, articles are available on the internet regarding Abstract and Interface but in this particular article I will try to explain to you with as much as simple.

1. Abstract Class

Provides a base class that can include both fully implemented members and abstract members that must be implemented by derived classes.

1. Abstract class contains both DECLARATION & DEFINITION of methods.

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

2. Abstract class keyword: ABSTRACT

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

3. Abstract class does not support multiple inheritance

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

4. Abstract class can have constructors.

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

2. Interface

Defines a contract with no implementation. It specifies what methods, properties, events, or indexers a class should implement but does not provide any implementation.

1. Mostly Interfaces contain DECLARATION of methods. From C# 8.0 definition is also possible.

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

2. Interface keyword: INTERFACE

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

3. Interface supports multiple inheritance.

Abstract Class and Interface in C#

4. Interface do not have constructors.

Abstract Class and Interface in C#
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