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Why Use Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions are widely used in C# and other programming languages due to their flexibility and concise syntax. They provide several advantages that make them a popular choice for various programming tasks. Here’s why you might use lambda expressions:

1. Conciseness

Lambda expressions offer a concise way to write inline functions without having to define a separate method. This can make your code shorter and more readable.


// Lambda expression
Func<int, int> square = x => x * x;

// Equivalent anonymous method
Func squareAnonymous = delegate(int x) { return x * x; };

2. Inline Definitions

Lambda expressions allow you to define methods inline where they are used. This is particularly useful for short operations that are used only once or a few times.


// Define and use the lambda expression in one line
var evenNumbers = numbers.Where(n => n % 2 == 0);

3. Functional Programming

Lambda expressions support a functional programming style, where functions can be passed as parameters, returned from other functions, and stored in variables. This is essential for many LINQ operations and higher-order functions.


// Higher-order function that takes a lambda expression
var doubledNumbers = numbers.Select(n => n * 2);

4. Deferred Execution

In LINQ queries, lambda expressions contribute to deferred execution, which means the query is not executed until you actually iterate over it. This allows for efficient query composition and execution.


//Query is not executed until you iterate over it
var query = numbers.Where(n => n > 5);

5. Use with Anonymous Types

When projecting data into new shapes, lambda expressions work seamlessly with anonymous types.


var employeeDetails = employees.Select(e => new

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