Here are some common LINQ queries related to GroupBy, demonstrating how to group data by specific criteria and perform aggregations or transformations on those groups:
Group items by a single key and select the groups.
var employees = new List<Employee>
new Employee { Department = "HR", Name = "Rohatash" },
new Employee { Department = "IT", Name = "Mohit" },
new Employee { Department = "HR", Name = "Jeet" }
var groupedByDepartment = from emp in employees
group emp by emp.Department into departmentGroup
select new
Department = departmentGroup.Key,
Employees = departmentGroup.ToList()
// Output: { Department = "HR", Employees = [{ Name = "Rohatash" }, { Name = "Jeet" }] },
// { Department = "IT", Employees = [{ Name = "Mohit" }] }
Group items and compute aggregate values for each group.
var orders = new List<Order>
new Order { Category = "Electronics", Amount = 100 },
new Order { Category = "Clothing", Amount = 50 },
new Order { Category = "Electronics", Amount = 150 },
new Order { Category = "Clothing", Amount = 75 }
var totalSalesByCategory = from order in orders
group order by order.Category into categoryGroup
select new
Category = categoryGroup.Key,
TotalSales = categoryGroup.Sum(o => o.Amount)
// Output: { Category = "Electronics", TotalSales = 250 },
// { Category = "Clothing", TotalSales = 125 }
Group items and then filter the results within each group.
var employees = new List<Employee>
new Employee { Department = "HR", Name = "Alice", Salary = 60000 },
new Employee { Department = "IT", Name = "Bob", Salary = 50000 },
new Employee { Department = "HR", Name = "Charlie", Salary = 70000 },
new Employee { Department = "IT", Name = "David", Salary = 55000 }
var highEarnersByDepartment = from emp in employees
group emp by emp.Department into departmentGroup
let highEarners = departmentGroup.Where(e => e.Salary > 55000)
where highEarners.Any()
select new
Department = departmentGroup.Key,
HighEarners = highEarners.ToList()
// Output: { Department = "HR", HighEarners = [{ Name = "Charlie", Salary = 70000 }] },
// { Department = "IT", HighEarners = [{ Name = "David", Salary = 55000 }] }