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Deferred vs Immediate

In LINQ, deferred execution and immediate execution refer to when and how the query is executed relative to when it is defined. Understanding these concepts is crucial for optimizing performance and managing resources effectively.

Deferred Execution

  • Definition: Deferred execution means that the evaluation of a query is delayed until you actually iterate over the results. The query itself is not executed when it is defined or when the query expression is built. Instead, it is executed at the point when you start consuming the results (e.g., using a foreach loop or calling methods like ToList()).

  • Behavior: With deferred execution, the query is re-evaluated every time you iterate over the results. This can be useful for building queries dynamically based on user input or other conditions.


IQueryable<int> numbers = dbContext.Numbers.Where(n => n > 10);

// Query is not executed here

var result = numbers.ToList(); // Query is executed here

In this example, the query dbContext.Numbers.Where(n => n > 10) is not executed when it is defined. It is executed when ToList() is called, which iterates over the IQueryable and executes the query against the database.

Use Cases - Ideal for scenarios where you want to build a query incrementally or when the data source is large or remote (e.g., a database) because it allows for query optimization and avoids loading unnecessary data into memory.

Immediate Execution

  • Definition: Immediate execution means that the evaluation of a query occurs as soon as it is defined or when a method that triggers execution is called. Immediate execution results in the data being retrieved and stored in memory right away.

  • Behavior: With immediate execution, the query is executed immediately when the data is requested or when certain methods are called, such as ToList(), ToArray(), First(), Single(), or Count().


IEnumerable<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Query is executed here
var result = numbers.Where(n => n > 3).ToList(); // Immediate execution

In this example, the method ToList() triggers immediate execution of the query numbers.Where(n => n > 3), and the results are immediately evaluated and stored in the result list.

Use Cases - Ideal for scenarios where you need to work with the results immediately, such as when you need to materialize the data for further processing or when working with in-memory collections.

Difference Between Deferred and Immediate Execution

Deferred Execution Immediate Execution
Query is executed when results are iterated over. Query is executed as soon as it is defined or triggered.
Delayed until results are needed. Immediate upon request or method call.
IQueryable methods like Where, Select ToList(), ToArray(), First(), Single()
Building queries dynamically, working with remote data sources. Materializing results immediately, working with in-memory data.
Can optimize and avoid unnecessary data retrieval. Might be less efficient if querying large datasets due to immediate data retrieval.

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