JSON Key Value

Key-Value Pairs

JSON uses key-value pairs to express an object's property. In the above example, we tried to represent a Person. This person has some properties like

  • First Name
  • Age
  • Address

Each of these properties have a value associated with it. For instance, the value of First Name is Rohatash. Age also has a value of 35. The rules for writing a Key-Value in JSON are as follows.

  • Key-value pairs are separated by a : (colon)
  • Key is always present in Double Quotes " "
  • Values must be valid JSON data types: string, number, another JSON object, array, boolean or null.

From the above example, a Key-Value pair is FirstName.

"FirstName" : "Rohatash" 

As you can see in the figure below:

{"FirstName" : "Rohatash","Age" : 35,"Address" : "Mathura"}

Json Key Value

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