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C# - keywords

C# keywords

In C#, keywords are reserved words that have a special meaning and cannot be used as identifiers (such as variable or method names). if we want to use the keywords as identifiers, we may prefix the keyword with @ character.


@if is a valid identifier, but if isn't because if is a keyword.

public class @class
public static int salary { get; set; }
@class.salary = 100000;

Reserved Keywords in C#

The following are the keywords in C# language to define the syntax and structure.

abstract base as bool break catch case
byte char checked class const continue decimal
default delegate do double else enum event
sealed short sizeof stackalloc static string struct
switch this throw true try typeof uint
private protected public return readonly ref sbyte
explicit extern false finally fixed float for
foreach goto if implicit in in (generic modifier) int
ulong ushort unchecked using unsafe virtual void
null object operator out out (generic modifier) override params
abstract base as bool break catch case
volatile while

Contextual keywords

A contextual keyword is used to provide a specific meaning in the code, but it isn't a reserved word in C#. Some contextual keywords, such as partial and where, have special meanings in two or more contexts.

public class @class
  public static int var{ get; set; }
  public static int var{ get; set; }

The above example var is a contextual keyword. This is a reserver keyword.

The following are the some contextual keywords in C# language.

var group ascending descending dynamic from get
global alias into join let select set
scoped nameof remove join record remove required
notnull nuint on or orderby partial (type) partial (method)

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